Fire Hose is OFF
For every 5₳ (up to 50₳ max) donated to the fire hose address, you’ll get back ~1.45₳ plus a random amount of $FIRE tokens based on the current halving phase of distribution. Use only a Shelly era wallet (Daedalus, Eternl, Nami, etc). Do not send directly from an Exchange as you will not receive your tokens.
Phase 4:
* 5k-6.25k in random increments *

Please allow up to 7-8 minutes for transaction to process. At this time, any amounts less than or greater than a multiple of 5₳ (up to 50₳ – as well as any assets) received will be considered a tip to the developer and no additional tokens will be sent. By sending ADA to the above address, you agree to this disclaimer. *Halving is being implemented. DO NOT SEND ADA – FIRE HOSE CLOSED! – Token Analytics
[FIRE] FIRE Token asset15t8fhc6t9cp5d0tq554sqzy5dd2tcnz45g98q8